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Wholesale - GoBio! Organic Vegetable Bouillon Powder Food Service (1x10kg)

Wholesale - GoBio! Organic Vegetable Bouillon Powder Food Service (1x10kg)

Easy-to-use and fully organic, this GoBio! Organic Yeast-Free Vegetable Broth Powder is the perfect addition to any pantry. This stock powder is made using only the most essential, 100% organic and non-GMO ingredients to provide a convenient stock option that's also healthy and wholesome.  The versatile dry stock option contains a range of herbs and spices to add depth and flavour to any dish, including curry powder, paprika, nutmeg, black pepper, parsley and lovage, as well as dried onion, garlic, carrot and parsnip. Add this powdered broth to stock, soups, stir fry, sauces, casseroles and more to bring out deep, delicious flavours. It is made using only plant-based ingredients, making it a safe and fully vegan stock option for vegetarian and vegan lifestyles and is kosher, dairy-free, nut-free, soy-free and sugar-free, so it's safe to use for those with allergies. 

Ingredients: Mineral Salt, Potato Starch*, Onion*, Carrot*, Paprika*, Parsnip*, Nutmeg*, Parsley*, Curry Powder*, Lovage*, Garlic*, Black Pepper*. 
*Organic Ingredient 

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