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Wholesale - Brother Sprout Deadly Peas Pea Protein Veggie Chunks (10 x 150g)

Wholesale - Brother Sprout Deadly Peas Pea Protein Veggie Chunks (10 x 150g)

Soy Free Deadly Peas is a versatile protein and iron-rich meat alternative that can easily absorb the flavor of any recipe. It retains moisture well, even in tough processing and cooking conditions, and imitates the fibrous texture of meat, poultry, and seafood. It also provides a clean flavor without any aftertaste.

"Deadly" (adjective) in Newfoundland dialect means awesome, cool, great, fantastic. Urban dictionary defines it as a word very commonly used by the Irish to describe something beyond great. 

Hydration: Mix 1 part Deadly Peas with 5 parts water, by weight. Leave 10-12 minutes to rehydrate

Ingredients: Textured pea protein (pea protein, pea extract). 


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