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Wholesale - Brother Sprout Kiss Da Cod Seafood Bits (10 x 500g)

Wholesale - Brother Sprout Kiss Da Cod Seafood Bits (10 x 500g)

Use in recipes requiring clams, shrimp, crab, tuna, etc. Or mix-in to baked goods: biscuits, pretzels, waffles, scones. Garnish or topping for soups, chowders, stews, salads, sauces, pizza, pasta sauce, omelets, and more. Mix with mayo to make fish-free tuna sandwich.

Hydration: Mix 1 part Kiss Da Cod Bits with 2 parts water, by weight. 

Ingredients: Textured soy flour, soybean oil, salt, dried yeast, yeast extract, natural flavor

Contains: Soy.

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