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Wholesale - Butler Foods Fine Soy Curl Crumbs (TVP Alternative) - 24lbs

Butler Soy Crumbs are a delicious alternative to meat. The exquisite texture, flavor and versatility of this TVP alternative is unmatched. Soy crumbs are made from the whole soybean and are minimally processed from non GMO soybeans grown without chemical pesticides. These are delicious low-fat, cholesterol-free and easy to prepare!

Potential Uses / Applications: These absorb any flavour and seasoning you add, so they are incredibly versatile! They make great fajitas, stir-fries, soups, nacho topping, taco filler and more. The options are endless and the texture is chewy and juicy when cooked to perfection. Use in your favorite dishes just like you would ground meat. 

Ingredients: Soy Curls are made from select, certified non-GMO, whole soybeans (Soy), grown without chemical pesticides.

Note: This is one large 24lb box of food service Butler Soy Curl crumbs. Additional shipping costs may occur if more than one box is selected due to Shopify limitations calculating shipping. We'll reach out to you if this is the case, selecting UPS can avoid this process as well. Soy Curls can be stored in a cool dry place and will keep till the best by date on the package. Butler suggests that the Soy Curls be kept in a refrigerator or freezer where they will keep for 12+ months.

Disclaimer: we do our best to provide accurate information on every item (including ingredients and allergy information), but over time information and packaging may change or be updated and there may be a delay before appearing here. If in doubt or have specific concerns (like allergies) please contact us or the manufacturer as necessary.

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