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Wholesale - Daiya Food Service Mozza Shreds (5lbs)

Wholesale - Daiya Food Service Mozza Shreds (5lbs)

It's a mozza moment. These classic shreds are more like dairy than ever before - a velvety melt, smooth texture and full of flavour, with none of the compromise. Sprinkle them on homemade pizza, saucy pasta or a meatball sub. Measure with your heart.

Potential Uses / Applications: Use them in any dish calling for shredded or melted mozzarella. You can 'veganize' any of the following classics with these shreds: pizza (of course!), quiche, lasagna, Philly Cheese Steak sandwiches, gooey grilled cheese or mac and cheese.

Ingredients: Daiya Oat Cream blend (water, gluten-free oat flour, pea protein), Tapioca starch, Coconut oil, Expeller pressed safflower oil, Corn starch, Salt, Sugars (dextrose), Yeastextract, Tricalcium phosphate, Lactic Acid, Natural flavours.

Note: This is a 5lb package of Daiya's Mozza shreds. You can order by the case which includes x3 5lb bags.

Disclaimer: we do our best to provide accurate information on every item (including ingredients and allergy information), but over time information and packaging may change or be updated and there may be a delay before appearing here. If in doubt or have specific concerns (like allergies) please contact us or the manufacturer as necessary.

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