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Wholesale - Field Roast 1lb Retail Celebration Roast (12 x 1lb)

Field Roast Celebration roast starts with a rich and savory sausage-style stuffing made from grain meat, fresh cut butternut squash, mushrooms, and granny smith apples seasoned with a blend of rosemary, thyme, and sage.  It then surrounds the stuffing with luxurious grain meat seasoned with rubbed sage, garlic, and lemon juice. The Celebration Roast is the ultimate in vegetarian sophistication. 

Potential Uses / Applications: Retail item for family feasts, holiday gatherings or a simple dinner for two; as a centerpiece, appetizer or sliced in a sandwich, the Celebration Roast is perfect for any occasion.

Ingredients:  Filtered water, vital wheat gluten, expeller pressed safflower oil, naturally flavored yeast extract, barley malt, whole wheat flour, granulated garlic, butternut squash, organic wheat flakes, onion powder,  apples, garlic, mushrooms, yellow pea flour, lentils, lemon juice, Irish moss (sea vegetable) extract, sea salt, tomato paste, red wine, black pepper, rubbed sage, spices, rosemary, paprika, natural liquid smoke, and carrots.

Note: Case contains 12 x 1lb individually sealed roasts. 

Disclaimer: we do our best to provide accurate information on every item (including ingredients and allergy information), but over time information and packaging may change or be updated and there may be a delay before appearing here. If in doubt or have specific concerns (like allergies) please contact us or the manufacturer as necessary.

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