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Wholesale - Go Max Go SNAP! Candy Bar (12 x 50g)

The Snap! Candy Bar is crisped rice in a rice-milk chocolatey coating which is reminiscent of a Nestle Crunch Bar. When your taste buds are ready to raise the roof and make some noise with a whole lotta toasty, crunchy, crisped rice ‘POW!’ jammed into a hunk of rice-milk chocolatey ‘BAM!’ — Holy Candy Bar!, prepare to be knocked out player, SNAP!™ is the bar for you! Perfect as is or folded into a vegan ice cream / frozen yogurt, on top of cakes and cupcakes or baked inside other sweet goodies.

Potential Uses / Applications: Snowball Cookies, Cookie Dough Bars, “Nestle Crunch” Oatmeal Cookies and more!

Ingredients (non-GMO): organic unrefined cane sugar, palm kernel oil, whole grain brown rice, cocoa powder (natural), rice powder (rice syrup solids, rice starch, rice flour, carrageenan), soybean lecithin, salt.

Note: This contains peanuts and soy. not suitable for consumption by persons with an allergy to milk. This product is manufactured in a facility that produces products containing dairy, eggs, wheat, peanuts, and other tree nuts, therefore trace amounts of these ingredients may be present.

Each case contains 12 retail-ready bars for resale.

Disclaimer: we do our best to provide accurate information on every item (including ingredients and allergy information), but over time information and packaging may change or be updated and there may be a delay before appearing here. If in doubt or have specific concerns (like allergies) please contact us or the manufacturer as necessary.

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