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Wholesale - Noble Jerky No Added Smokey Jerky (12x70g)

Wholesale - Noble Jerky No Added Sugar Smokey Jerky (12x70g)


• Slow Roasted and Smokey - Pulled style Jerky
• 1 g of Sugar for the WHOLE BAG
• 14g Plant Powered Protein
• Premium Marinated and Seasoned
• Long Shelf Life, Grab and Go Snacks.

Potential Uses / Applications: Can be crumbled on salads, included in a charcuterie board, mixed into cornbread, added to soups and stews, or eaten as is.

Ingredients: Plant-based soy protein (non-GMO), soy sauce (water, soy beans, wheat, salt), vinegar, erythritol, tomato, natural smoke flavour, garlic, spices, onion, sea salt.


Disclaimer: we do our best to provide accurate information on every item (including ingredients and allergy information), but over time information and packaging may change or be updated and there may be a delay before appearing here. If in doubt or have specific concerns (like allergies) please contact us or the manufacturer as necessary.

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